Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Is it really a vacation if you spend it playing mediator?

I've been blessed with fantastic friends.  I don't think I would have managed nearly as well as a single mom without their help.  They stand in for me when work pulls me away and they make me look much cooler than I am.

Case in point:  I've had a really crappy summer.  A bed bug invasion, some scary health issues and now I'm in the  middle of a renovation project.  Enter one of these fantastic friends who graciously offered us her house in Montauk for a few days this week for free.  SWEET!!!

I love Montauk.  Being from Long Island, we were here at least once a year so it has many fond memories.

But I just spent the last 30 minutes playing mediator.  A 10 year old boy and a 14 year old girl just don't like the same things.  So the plan for the day was to pick up mountain bikes and hit a local trail.  But my daughter didn't sleep at all last night (new house, too many mosquitos and moths -- because they left the door open!) so she'd rather go to the beach.  I'd rather go to the beach myself so I'm leaning that way.  My son is furious and so begins the "Jordan always gets her way"  "No, Aidan always gets HIS way" argument.  

20 minutes of the back and forth and I've decided -- beach and lighthouse today, biking tomorrow.  Then another 10 minutes of gloating (Jordan), sulking (Aidan) and guilty feelings (Mom).

As I'm writing this the following scene ensued:

Aidan:  [sigh] I'm just going to stay here while you go two go to the beach.
Me:  No you're not
Jordan:  If he gets to stay here, I get to stay here
Jordan:  You don't have to be so mean about it.


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